Audience types and Targeting Strategies in Facebook Ads

Types of Audiences in Facebook Ads

The audience is most critical no matter whether you are doing social media marketing, search engine marketing, email marketing, or any other kind of marketing. Without a properly targeted audience, you can not get the desired results from the campaign you are running. So, if you want to maximize your outcomes then you have to do a proper search and laser-targeted focus on the audience. Here I want to go into deep want to tell you more about how to do proper audience research but because here I am not going to discuss buyer persona or customer avatar so let's ignore it. Ok. So, there are actually three types of audiences in the Facebook custom audience, LookAlike audience, and Core Audience.

Audiences Types and Targeting Strategies in Facebook Ads

Create Core Audience by using  Detailed Targeting 

Core Audience is the audience that you can create and save for later use in Facebook ads at the ad set level because audience targeting is at the ad set level. You can target the audience based on age, gender, location, and language, and then there is detailed targeting where you can target the audience according to their demographics age, gender, income, school, etc, interests such as fitness, technology, yoga, etc, and behavior i.e technology lovers, frequent travelers, engaged shoppers. This type of targeting is called detailed targeting or specific targeting in Facebook ads where we target using their demographics, interest, and behaviors.

You can then save this core audience if you want and it will be saved in your saved audience.

Broad Targeting 

On the other hand, there is another type of targeting which is called broad targeting in which we do not target anyone, and in this particular scenario, Facebook shows our ads to that audience who are more likely to take action for which we are optimizing our ad set by analyzing our ad copy, ad creatives. In broad targeting, Facebook finds an audience that will be best for your ad campaign. With time as more and more data is given to Facebook machine learning algorithms, it starts to optimize your ad for audiences who are performing best and are more likely to complete the desired action.

Narrow Targeting 

Narrow Targeting is a concept in Facebook ads that is related to the audience concept. Narrow targeting allows you to narrow down your target audience based on specific parameters. In Narrow targeting, we use layered targeting and apply multiple conditions to narrow down your audience. For example, you want to target people who are interested in digital marketing now if you want to narrow down this audience you can also add an AND condition and also target those people who are interested. I will add a picture of narrow targeting below.

Difference Between Detailed Targeting and Broad Targeting 

So, that was the difference between detailed targeting in which you target people based on demographics, interests, and behavior, and Broad targeting in which you do not specify any audience instead you ask Facebook to find a potential audience for you. As we are discussing audiences in Facebook ads so that was also necessary to tell about both broad and detailed targeting because these are important concepts and will help you in your journey with Facebook ads.

Now Let's discuss the custom audience, In the last article, we discuss Meta Pixel, and what it is. and why we should use it. If you dont have read that article and have no idea about meta-pixel then there is a serious problem because this concept is associated with Facebook pixel and after a solid understanding of that concept you can continue to read this article.

Custom Audience 

So, we were discussing Facebook's custom audience, this is the audience we create from Facebook resources or from outside such as a customer list of emails, phone numbers, etc. All the audience which we create from our Facebook page likes, Instagram page likes, followers, video views, lead forms, mobile app, website visits, and website events is called Facebook custom audiences and we can target them in our ad campaigns. Most of the time we create and use custom audiences for retargeting and finding similar or you can say lookalike audiences which we will discuss later.

So, keep in mind we most of the time use the custom audience for retargeting. Not all time! Most of the time. Cool!.

Lookalike Audience 

Now let's discuss the LookAlike audience, this audience is usually created from an already interested person in our product and service,  the reason why we create this audience is that we want to expand our reach to more people who are similar to our audience who likes our pages, follow our pages, visit our website, purchase products or services from us.

If you are finding difficulty in understanding this concept dont worry just calm down and try to focus and read it ten to twelve times. You will definitely understand it. Basically, LookAlike Audience is a Copy of an audience who likes your pages, follows your pages, engage with your videos, visited your website, completed an action, etc. Now here is another trick you can create a LookAlike audience on a scale of 0 to 10, which means the closer the value to 0 the more similar audience and narrow or you can say small will be to the audience who is already interested in you. Below I go in-depth and will help you to create a Lookalike Audience.

How to Create a Custom Audience 

Let's do some practice and I will show you how you can create a custom audience from the people who already interacted with you and your brand. Go to Facebook ad manager then go to audience manager 

After this, you will see an option to create a custom audience just click on it.

When you will click on create a custom audience you will see that Facebook will show you some options and by using them you can easily create a custom audience. You can create a custom audience from different data sources some are your data sources and some are Facebook data sources. You can see them given below.

For example, I want to create an audience from a website for that I will select a website as a data source to create a custom audience.

After clicking on the website meta ad manager will show me the window shown above from where I can easily create a custom audience based upon different parameters such as events, and retention, also I can include and exclude people from that particular audience and make a highly targeted fully functional custom audience for my meta ads campaign. We usually use a custom audience to retarget people.  After setting all these parameters, names, and descriptions for the audience, I will click on create an audience and a custom audience will be created for me, which I can use wherever I want.

Similarly, you can create a custom audience from all different data sources which are available here.

So, that it this is how you can create a custom audience from already available data sources and people who interacted with your business.

What is Retargeting in Facebook Ads

As we are discussing custom audiences let me also tell you about retargeting. Above I used the word retargeting many times which means that someone visited your website but did not complete the action you want them to complete. Now you already have the pixel installed on the website and you have the data about the people who visited your website but does not complete the desired action. So, in this case, you will simply go to the audience and will create a custom audience of people who visited your website but did not complete the desired action which may be lead generation or sale of a physical or digital product. Now you will use this custom audience and retarget them with a specific discount, ads copy, or message I do not know. It's all up to you. So, That was all about retargeting, and retargeting is closely related to custom audiences and meta-pixel topics. If you dont have any idea about meta pixel then refer to this article.

How to Create Lookalike Audiences in Facebook Ads

Now let's discuss how to create a LookAlike audience, first go to the audience then click on it.

After clicking on the audience, you will see three options create a custom audience, lookalike audience, and saved audiences. Now click on Create Lookalike Audience and use the data sources from which you want to create a Lookalike Audience. Here I want to mention again that the LookAlike audience is an audience that is similar to the audience of specific data sources already interest in your brand, with similar characteristics. You can create a LookAlike audience on a scale of 0 to 10. There are two types of LookAlike audiences International LookAlike audiences and High-Value Lookalike audiences. Now let me give you a brief bout these two audiences international lookalike audience is guidelines that are similar in characters to your data sources audience but it is on an international level means worldwide. So, if your business serves only in a specific country then you can also create a country-specific LookAlike audience. On the other hand, high-value LookAlike is an audience that buys frequently or has high purchase value.

Now choose your sources, create an audience according to your need, give it a name, and description, and click on create an audience. Congratulation on your LookAlike audience being created. Now you can use it in your meta ad campaign.